Art and Home Design: Common Mistakes

Art and Home Design: Common Mistakes – as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. Hi, I am Maria Brito with Lifestyling in New York City. Some of the common m…

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3 Common Garden Planning Mistakes (and how to avoid them)

When planning a vegetable garden it’s easy to ignore problems that can occur when plants are in the ground. In this video we look at 3 common mistakes garden…

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Avoid these 5 Common Interior Design Mistakes

Julie Fergus, ASID talks about the 5 common interior design mistakes she often sees. She gives you ideas on how to overcome and avoid them. Read her blog for…

Video Rating: 0 / 5

Joel Friedlander on the Most Common Book-Design Mistakes Self-Published Authors Make Joel Friedlander of talks with BookBaby president Brian Felsen about the most common mistakes self-pub…

Video Rating: 4 / 5

What is the most common web design flaw that you’ve seen?

design flaw
by cpalmieri

Question by Kaddam: What is the most common web design flaw that you’ve seen?

Best answer:

Answer by Night Hawk35
Links on the main homepage that don’t lead to other pages on the same site. Art Galleries to be specific..

Add your own answer in the comments!

When performing a schematic design review, name some of the common mistakes you look for?

design mistakes
by Brett Jordan

Question by : When performing a schematic design review, name some of the common mistakes you look for?

Best answer:

Answer by seantvscholz
Looping logic… one that never performs because it gets into a loop.

Mislabeling of terms.

Incorrect connections. Things not connecting or connecting when they should not.

Dead ends.

What do you think? Answer below!

Q&A: During software design review please let me know the common errors done in internalized (multi-lingual) appln?

design errors
by alexanderljung

Question by Solver: During software design review please let me know the common errors done in internalized (multi-lingual) appln?

Common errors can be for application designed in any technology like Microsoft and Sun Technologies

Best answer:

Answer by judgemartiniz
Memory leaks is the most common. Page faults is very common.

What do you think? Answer below!

What are the most common mistakes in Menu design and Menu planning?

Question by T-Rex: What are the most common mistakes in Menu design and Menu planning?

I would just like some help to figure out what the most common mistakes in Menu design and Menu planning are!

Best answer:

Answer by monique v
Good question

Are you talking about serving something at home or in a restaurant. I’ll assume it’s at home because if you have to ask that question and you are running a restaurant you have a problem

Don’t make your menu too complicated. Pick one thing to make memorable. It could be the appetizer, it could be the dessert. Then make everything else simple. You want to visit with your friends and have a good time. They will feel uncomfortable it you are working too hard.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!