Stupid, Pointless Wisdom Teeth = PERFECT DESIGN?

Oh, thank you, heavenly transcendent ineffable being, for giving me these stupid, painful bitches of teeth that don’t fit in my head. You rock. :C

Video Rating: 5 / 5

If 100% of all people sin, then it must be a fault in the design?

Question by IZANAGI: If 100% of all people sin, then it must be a fault in the design?

Sure, if was just one or two, or maybe 2 thousand then it must be their fault, but everyone? How can a creator not take responsibility for a creation that fails to do what he wants it to do?

Best answer:

Answer by Ninja Penguin
Jesus didn’t sin. The flaw is in man thinking he is not flawed, but rather the Designer.

What do you think? Answer below!

Have government recalls gone too far?

Question by Greg: Have government recalls gone too far?

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission is recalling 50 million blinds after reports that the cords can strangle children entangled in them.

Ok. Now I’m all for recalling vehicles or machinery that have obvious mechanical such as shown in that article (“Toyota Motor Corp. announced earlier this month a 4 million-car recall of Lexus and Toyota vehicles for sudden acceleration.”) But blinds because they have lifting loops? Come on.

The article states that 8 children have died and 16 others “nearly strangled”. It is very sad that 8 children have died…no doubt, but ok…16 were “nearly strangled”? I don’t buy that one. That’s like “Oh my child NEARLY drank drano.

What has this country become where the government is the nanny for everyone? Are regulations necessary? Yes, of course, but I think it’s gone way too far. I mean what is next? Trash bags, yard rakes, garden hoses, phone cords? Gees.

Here’s my solution….watch your kids a little closer. I watch mine all the time and if they are that young to get themselves tangled in a blind cord…they don’t need to be out of your sight for more than a minute. I mean, where are the parents?

The complete government nanny state. So what do you think?
Apple Bottoms: You miss the whole point. As someone said, yes a notice is good…but a recall? Regulate everything….because everything and anything can be “deadly” if the right circumstances arise. Just put a helmet on your kids 24 hours a day…you know…just to be safe. Gee wiz.
Snowcone: Excellent answer. My whole point. Yes, people then used to use something called COMMON SENSE. lol

Best answer:

Answer by Forget War Buy More
I walk in on my child entangled in a blind. They aren’t dead, but they are cyanotic. That’s nearly strangled.

The recalls aren’t mandatory. If you like the blinds–keep em.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

why is it smarter to be stupid?moron design, not intelligentdesign?

Question by joe snidegrass: why is it smarter to be stupid?moron design, not intelligentdesign?

because there are too many smart people. too many phds.
and not enuff jobs for them all. work for stupid people
is more plentiful. like washing windows, cleaning houses,
pulling weeds, and being a farmer. jobs that no one
really wants to do. no one is indispensable. needed?for what?

Best answer:

Answer by dee
low paying jobs!
i’m not despicing them but still.

who doenst want money

What do you think? Answer below!

It’s Simply Systems Stupid…just design better ones

good rules equal a good game.

Video Rating: 3 / 5

Know of any cool soils engineering failures?

engineering failures
by thisisbossi

Question by a_guy_from_wa_state: Know of any cool soils engineering failures?

I have to do a report on a geotechnical case study like a foundation failure (Tower of Pisa), landslide, dam, etc,

Do you know of any of these type of failures where there were lessons learned that could be useful for engineers on future designs?

Best answer:

Answer by itsbob1
Earthen dam failures, levies etc… Try a Google search.

Give your answer to this question below!

When there’s a food recall do you throw the product away?

Question by Spell Check !!: When there’s a food recall do you throw the product away?

The company who makes the recall says to toss the product out. That’s crazy take it back to the store for a refund.
your_dea. good idea. lol

Best answer:

Answer by Jon C
I like to tempt fate and eat it anyways!\

Hey, you kinda look like my dad!

What do you think? Answer below!

Anyone ever heard of stupid design?

stupid design
by tuxmentat

Question by Ashton: Anyone ever heard of stupid design?

If not, here are some of the stupid things in both the universe and on our own planet that seem to prove that the universe was not made for us:

Most planet orbits are unstable
Less the 3% of a gas cloud actually makes a star.
Most places kill life instantly – heat – – radiation- cold.
Galaxy orbits brings you near a supernova.
Our system will eventually collide with Andromeda system.
The universie is slowing winding down until eventually it would be to cold to sustain life (things are getting further apart)


Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, Floods, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Lightning Strikes, kills hundereds of thousands of people every year and level cities.
We can’t live on 2/3 of its surface.
Freeze or stave on half of what remains.
Mass extinctions from disease, climate shift and kkiller asteroids.
90% of all life that ever lived is now extinct.
3.5-billion years to make multi-cellular life.
Humans (excluding the fact that we all kill each other):

Agressive Childhood Lukemia, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Parkinsons, ALS.
Our eyes can only see a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum (so much for the perfect creation, eh Paley?)
Vision loss with age, teeth fall out, Alzheimers, prostate cancer.
We exhale most of the Oxygen we inhale.
Warm-blooded must eat constantly compared with cold-blooded animals that dont have to eat daily (or even weekly)
Practically comatose for 1/3 of our lives.
Can’t detect things that kill us like magnetic fields, ionizing radiation fields, Radon, CO, CH4, C02 (the last three are gases that kill us without us even being able to smell them.
Massive amount of birth defects.

No…what im saying is that its obvious that this universe isn’t made with us in mind if there are so many flaws….
It really doesn’t make sense how you look at all this and not see the human suffering involved from all of this…People, if they are religious or not, devout Christians, Atheists, Muslims, buddhists…all are killed by these things (or could be), familys lose love ones, and you simply say “God is great! For he kills us in such great numbers so easily!” I really wonder what goes through peoples minds…

Best answer:

Answer by kaehya2003
So, what your saying is God’s miracle is that life exists.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

iPhone 4 Signal Loss and Dropped Calls Due to Antenna Design Flaw

design flaws
by BarrettB

iPhone 4 Signal Loss and Dropped Calls Due to Antenna Design Flaw

Cupertino we have a problem!

It seems that the “most precise thing” ever done by Apple, as Steve Jobs referred to when talking about the new antenna, is provoking a drop in signal when the new iPhone 4 is held in the palm. The metal sides of the iPhone are the antenna thus giving the phone the largest cell phone antenna ever. That seemed to be a great idea, especially that no one else was doing it. Perhaps for a good reason.

Unfortunately, sometimes, what seems to be a great idea on paper turns out not to be so great when put in practice! When the human hand touches an antenna in a single spot, it will increase the signal to the antenna due to the body’s approximately 75% water composition which allows us to conduct electricity. However, when there are multiple points of contact it will create a drop in signal due to electromagnetic interference, as the owners of the new iPhone 4 have noticed. The call quality drops, signal bars are lost, and since it’s a design flaw, it’s a much more serious issue than a software bug would be.

Apple admitted the existence of the problem and their customer support representatives are offering a solution: use “bumper cases” to prevent the hand from touching the antenna or avoid holding the phone in your hand! Both are pretty horrible solutions to a hardware problem that should be fixed by Apple.

For years we blamed AT&T for the poor coverage but it seems that they are not the only ones at fault.

Do you love crepes? So does the author who blogs about them and electric crepe maker machines at

In this episode I answer the question “Why did you build a flaw into the Death Stars?”

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Bad Road design

Careful how you take this bend…

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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