Ruby on Rails Tutorial Part 1 – Getting Started

In this Ruby on Rails Blog Tutorial we’ll work on getting a blogging application up and running, learn about the rails directory structure, and do a simple hello world. In this video I’m using Rails 3.1 and Ruby 1.9.2 on Linux. The source code for this video should be available on my site within a few days: Installing Ruby and Rails Links: ———————————– ——- Linux ——- —- Mac —- ——– Windows ——– ————————————– Javascript Runtime Error (use node.js) ————————————– If you get errors about not having a javascript runtime or something along those lines try installing node.js. ————- ExecJS Errors ————-

Video Rating: 4 / 5


21 Responses to “Ruby on Rails Tutorial Part 1 – Getting Started”
  1. ponggr says:

    Well done! Simple and to? the point!

  2. Didats Triadi says:

    Thank you!?

  3. Richard Jones says:

    Everytime I try this Im getting could not find generator controllers
    Could? use some HELP PLEASE

  4. mandlaanilbabu says:

    $ rails new blog
    Can’t initialize a new Rails application within the
    change to a non-Rails directory first.
    Type ‘rails’ for help.
    I am getting an error the above,
    What IDE you? are using

  5. NESQUiK87 says:

    what’s that tag auto? complete gedit plugin called?

  6. thespeedyone2001 says:

    Great tutorial, this really? helped me get started with Rails.

  7. David Awesomeness says:

    how do you get it open in? a text editor at 1:56??

  8. Jason Liu says:

    great video :)?

  9. Purushothaman Raju says:

    thanks this? video really helped me

  10. GermanVN says:

    Muy buen tutorial, estuvo muy? bien explicado.

  11. thumb1040 says:

    Hey Andrew. Thank you very much for making and sharing these videos. Have you considered making Ruby on Rails videos? from a TDD approach?

  12. andrewperk says:

    It’s not really. It’s just the mic picks up a lot of sounds since my mic is close to? the keyboard. Sorry if it’s annoying to listen to.

  13. Illuvater says:

    Clunkiest keyboard ever! Sound of the key presses would drive me mad! Ker-chunk, kerchunkkerchunk! Good tutorial tho, cheers? dude!

  14. Hiyop says:

    when i generated a? controller and afterwards i want to add him an other attribute like “:author”, how i manage that?

  15. Micster1313 says:

    I tryed to learn ruby on rails by reading tutorials and I thought I might give this video a chance too. I have to say you are born to teach!! You can explain those things so easy and I can follow you without a problem. Thanks man! Looking forward? to the next parts :))

  16. Jesus Bejarano says:

    In? short : everything and more :).

  17. ???? ????? ?????? says:

    What does this offer compared to? usual PHP web coding?

  18. Martha Chumo says:

    this was really helpful. I tried doing that for a whole day with no success.? Thanks big!

  19. XNAforyou says:

    Thanks for your reply… I went through PHP a bit… quite easy to grasp due to my PERL background… ill try out and see what RAILS? has to offer… The main factor is how great their Support is. Although PHP is more used, RAILs is gaining in popularity and I am trying to figure out why this is the case. Thanks again for your reply

  20. warnerfriends says:

    can anyone see? my website on the server???

  21. ArsMagnaTutorials says:

    Check out my channel I am doing? a series of Ruby on Rails tutorials that go really slow.

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