YOU MUST WATCH THIS!!! ONE OF A KIND INVENTION Multiple applications What you are watching is the INDUSTRY FIRST Side Shifter in action. This invention can be use on any product that would need ZERO RADIUS capabilities. Just think of all the possibilities. Never before has a product like this been seen. It has the potential to dominate whatever industry purchases this for years to come. This invention was designed to make what was previously considered impossible maneuvering accomplished in a matter of seconds. The Side Shifter is operated by a wireless hand held remote control. This enables the operator to maneuver trailers weighing thousands of pounds up and down, and side to side effortlessly. Contact us for licensing options or option to buy the patent (931)808-3330

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Slaughterhouse – Sound Off – Joe Budden, Royce Da 5’9″, Joell Ortiz, and Crooked I No copyright infringement intended Please SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and COMMENT!

Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. MrBen527 says:

    I concur.?

  2. xaviar detach says:

    @hondaevo True but remember , that? is just window dressing, for she could be a domineering female with a lot of emotional baggage. The figure is the lure to attract weaker males

  3. hondaevo says:

    that blonde has a nice? ass

  4. rtburkie07 says:

    I wonder if the chick is a good side shifter…allllllll I can? say is she is hot!!!!!

  5. Reneagade45 says:

    Blond should? be in bikini.

  6. samus989 says:

    Just a thought, since this unit isn’t designed for absorbing? shocks, why not use a hard tire, you might increase the load carrying ability.

  7. samorasmp says:

    She’s? hot

  8. MsAlnmer says:

    Interested. How much you looking? Please
    thank you
    [email protected]

  9. SuperCory55 says:

    Fuck? the side shifter, I like the girl advertising

  10. mesjc261975 says:

    Could’ve used that at the docks? in philly & a lot of truck stops that have right spots

  11. wemakeemrunagain1 says:

    Awesome! I want one for my? wrecker!

  12. addictive blahblahblah says:

    If I had a goosneck and? did some serious offroading or camping I’d buy it.

  13. pellenyberg says:

    Yea, a good? idea for bad drivers!

  14. zaki gurashi says:

    good? idea

  15. boeing159 says:

    Good idea, the only other way to get out of that parking lot situation would be to drive? into the grass area

  16. SideShifteronline says:

    we also offer a solid foam filled tire, but the tires on the sideshifter are more than strong enough and could? handle much heavier weights according to the specs on the tires that we use

  17. stepfour says:

    Stupid little gadgets? take the fun out of everything…

  18. jgiralde says:

    Good idea, I will put it on my playlist for other RV’s to see. I have a patent on my? “Support Leg Assistant” but need someone with money to get it to market. Please leave a comment on my video if you or anyone has an interest. Search “Support Leg Assistant”.

  19. Carter Small says:

    Holy? shit joell

  20. ipodps3forme says:


  21. 1idea says:

    kill yourself?

  22. love peace says:

    i disagree i? believe d12 is the best rap group

  23. lamarsmith576 says:

    cash money can never? rap like this slaughterhouse is the best rap group

  24. pauliegriffin says:

    Crooked? I ripped it, damn

  25. mmiker2d2 says:

    try? ww1/ww2

  26. mmiker2d2 says:

    thats? war horn bre

  27. Oscar Perez says:

    My favorite song off? the album

  28. raygam12 says:

    Man what a beat, its like some medieval DJ? shit mix together and I love it 🙂

  29. ishabztellem says:

    Slaughterhouse : the most underrated rappers…2million times better than YMCMB! ppl shud listen to? their lyrics…they wud be better than the greatest!

  30. Destiiny musik says:

    This song is? fiiire!

  31. QuicksyProductions says:

    army went to my school, narara valley? high school

  32. elpapi530 says:

    fire like always slaughterhouse all day?

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