Were Collins problems a design flaw or quality control ?

Question by paladin: Were Collins problems a design flaw or quality control ?


Best answer:

Answer by Fluke
more conspiracy theories… move along folks, nothing to see here… move along

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2 Responses to “Were Collins problems a design flaw or quality control ?”
  1. kill me says:


    <.< >.>


  2. Froggies angel says:

    Hard to tell, too many people involved and too many opinions listened too without proof, which quite frankly is shocking, although back then they aren’t as savvy then as they are now, but it only takes one too many cooks to spoil the broth 🙂

    People please answer instead of just answering for the points, these people need to understand something and its hard when they are just being judged, if you can’t help then don’t pick on them, you are not being helpful, thankyou!

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