food recall?

product recall

Question by d man: food recall?

when the banquet potpies was recalled,only the chicken and turkey flavors was mentioned so does that mean it’s safe to eat the beef flavor?

is it possible for salmonella to be in dark meat or just white meat cause that’s probably why beef wasn’t included in the recall?

Best answer:

Answer by alkalineriverchic
I don’t know about anyone else. . .but if anything close to a food I have is recalled I know I won’t be eating ANY kinds of it any time soon. Not worth it.

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One Response to “food recall?”
  1. Mike L says:

    last year only 168 cases of salmonella were reported to the CDC world wide.. the food industry is constantly testing their facilities..
    the recall was a reaction to simply stop the Possibility it was that product and not just an isolated case..
    the 168 had nothing to do with recall.
    they were isolated cases on the east coast…

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