What console would last longer and be fun to play?

Question by I love Obama: What console would last longer and be fun to play?

I was thinking about buying a console because I have two years of high school left and want to take my console to college with me when I’m done. So in saying wich one last longer and has fun games to play for stress relieve. I would like something fun to play after I finish study at home you have no Idea how asian parents are with school. So I do need break time. So wich console would be good for break time to play a littel I don’t want the next gen consoles as it will has it flaws. Thanks for the help.

Best answer:

Answer by Luka Luka paulic
Xbox 360 Slim which doesn’t have RRoD,don’t buy Slim 2 it’s just the ripped version without online and stuff.Don’ play games such as CoD where you play online because it will take much time away from you.Or maybe buy a powerful phone or handheld console like PS Vita if you don’t want to play for too long.

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Q&A: Would you keep using a baby item that was recalled?

consumer product recalls

Question by Momuvtwinboyzn1babygirl: Would you keep using a baby item that was recalled?

For example…..Bumbo or Fisher Price Rainforest Play yard? The reasoning behind the Bumbo was so stupid…..who would actually put their baby on anything inclined in the Bumbo….that’s ridiculous. My baby loves her Bumbo. Now, I do see the reasoning behind the play yard recall but wonder if babies were put it there that were too big (higher than weight limit), etc. and if the play yard was put together right to begin with. Sometimes those things can be so confusing.

Best answer:

Answer by ?Number One Mama?
I agree with the bumbo! People are so ridiculous sometimes. The play yard I never had so I am not really sure why that was recalled. To answer your question I would stop using it depending on the reason why it was recalled.

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Who would prefer legally replacing representative govt with a true daily direct Democracy in USA?

Question by bulabate: Who would prefer legally replacing representative govt with a true daily direct Democracy in USA?

Your brain dead if you believe any named party & putting lawmaking trust in the hands of the few is going to benefit the citizen majority under our form of capitalism. Never has never will by design.

What is so hard to understand about the citizens gaining full legislative rule & control over money/business/govt? If you do NOT gain this legal power you will always be serving the wealthy few or starving/facing financial insecurity etc.

Best answer:

Answer by LibertyLover101
Educate yourself. Our founders hated Democracy. They knew it would be the tyranny of the majority or mob rule. That’s why we are a Constitutional Republic.

What right do other Citizens have to tell other citizens what to do with their property. Smells of Communism.

Show me the word Democracy in the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights?

Democracy is NOT compatible with Freedom.

I know, the truth hurts sometimes.

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What would the legal implications be if a car manufacture knowingly releases a car with defects that could be?

Question by mike: What would the legal implications be if a car manufacture knowingly releases a car with defects that could be?

What would the legal implications be if a car manufacture knowingly releases a car with defects that could be fatal?

Ie.e. toyotas recent recall that has resulted in death. Ford Pinto… Etc.

What constitutional laws protect me in this situation?

What laws in general apply and how would the process go about?

I appreciate all of your help on this one! Thank You!

Best answer:

Answer by Kory Kider
Criminal negligence

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Q&A: Given the recalls and safety concerns recently, would you buy a 2011 or 2012 Toyota?

product recall
by gottanew1

Question by THE GUARDIAN OF FOREVER: Given the recalls and safety concerns recently, would you buy a 2011 or 2012 Toyota?

I probably would buy one.

Why? Because I think they will galvanize their efforts to make the best and safest products they can.

I think Toyota will look to recover with improved products, superior warranties, and perhaps some price incentives. What else can they do at this point? I’d say they kind of have to do these things. And hopefully the result will be great cars.

Would you buy a new Toyota?

Best answer:

Answer by PrincessC
NO WAY! Personally, I wouldnt have bought onw even before the recall. But, the prices I have seen on the new camrys and corralas have been irresistable. I see where you cme from if youreally wnat one it say ok just maks sure you have a very good warrenty!

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A good setting/location for a scene that would involve some sort of action?

Question by trs_shortie9: A good setting/location for a scene that would involve some sort of action?

For a drama class, we have to come up with a setting and then a set design for a scene. This scene will be a 10 minute improvisation of 2 characters talking. Wanted to have it set in a coffee shop but was told that something like that wouldn’t work because he doesn’t want to see the characters simply sitting for 10 minutes. Any ideas? I would really appreciate them.

Best answer:

Answer by Theatre Doc
God, how I hate stupid drama class assignments. A 10 minute improv? that’s longer than they do on Who’s Line Is It?
Do a robbery of the coffee shop, that’ll be full of “action” Sounds like another pin headed teacher who does not explain the assigments thoroughly enough, unless, of course, you did not pay attention.

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RECALL of PET FOOD – why would they delete my question?

Question by JV: RECALL of PET FOOD – why would they delete my question?

How can they say they want a “safe and useful community” and send me this in an e-mail?
“You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Deleted Question: RECALL dog & cat massive pet food recall, kidney failure, death, please check your pantry?

Question Details: MANY DIFFERENT BRANDS, CANS & POUCHES, CAT & DOG FOODS A complete list of the recalled products along with product codes, descriptions and production dates was available from the Menu Foods Web site — http://www.menufoods.com/recall — and consumers also could call (866) 463-6738.

If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.

Yahoo! Customer Care


Best answer:

Answer by sophylakes
i see no reason to delete the question

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RECALL of PET FOOD – why would they delete my question?

Question by JV: RECALL of PET FOOD – why would they delete my question?

RECALL of PET FOOD – why would they delete my question?
How can they say they want a “safe and useful community” and send me this in an e-mail?
“You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Deleted Question: RECALL dog & cat massive pet food recall, kidney failure, death, please check your pantry?

Question Details: MANY DIFFERENT BRANDS, CANS & POUCHES, CAT & DOG FOODS A complete list of the recalled products along with product codes, descriptions and production dates was available from the Menu Foods Web site — http://www.menufoods.com/recall… — and consumers also could call (866) 463-6738.

If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.
Yahoo! Customer Care ”

Best answer:

Answer by carly
That , as usual, makes no sense at all !!! I’ve contacted Customer Care in the past about this same sort of thing but never heard a word. You might give it a go and have better luck. So, a pervert can post an avatar of his private parts but we cannot discuss pet food recall????

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Would it be stupid to get this tattoo?

stupid design
by fish2000

Question by brandon s: Would it be stupid to get this tattoo?


Ok so I’m turning 18 in a few weeks and I really want to get a tattoo. I want to get this one because it’s patriotic and I consider myself pretty patriotic, so would it be stupid to get it?

Best answer:

Answer by Rachel
i’ve seen it so many times, its completely unoriginal and i dont think you should get it.

but thats my opinion 🙂

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Q&A: Has anyone had a recalled Ford product fire and would you be willing to testify in court?

Question by deliciadawn: Has anyone had a recalled Ford product fire and would you be willing to testify in court?

My son and his girlfriend were burned alive, due to the failure of the recalled cruise control switch. My car was NOT RECALLED until 7 months after they were killed. I have filed a wrongful death suit, Ford knew this part was defective since the early 90’s and still let people drive them around with ticking time bombs under the hood. So if you would like to be a witness let me know with a e-mail address.

Best answer:

Answer by mitchelled65706
theres a class action lawsuit active on this- look it up on the web-we had a ford police car here in bolivar that burnt to the ground years back because of it-a 1996 crown vic-cop model

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