Independent School Surveys: Design Mistakes to Avoid

This podcast discusses the most common mistakes schools make when designing surveys, why they should be avoided, and best practices to follow.

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Is Graphic Design a good decision to go to school for?

Question by Anicole Del: Is Graphic Design a good decision to go to school for?

I wan’t to go to school for Graphic Design, but my dad says it’s stupid and I should go for Business Management becuase it’s more realistic and I’ll be set, Is Graphic Design a set choice and are there a lot of career opportunities I need to make my decision before ennrollment july28.

Best answer:

Answer by Bryan
Lots of people can draw very nicely. They don’t even need to go to college to get better and find (low paying) work.

I think maybe you should look at doing something that not everyone can do, as you are more likely to be able to get a job paying decent money doing that.

I think your dad may be right on this one.

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