What role does the government have in protecting people from themselves in regards to consumer products.?

consumer product recalls
by Public Citizen

Question by Twixey: What role does the government have in protecting people from themselves in regards to consumer products.?

Best answer:

Answer by John
they can deem toys(for example) dangerous and take them off the shelves

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Has anyone heard anything about this contact solution that makes people go blind?

consumer product recalls
by Public Citizen

Question by Q~T: Has anyone heard anything about this contact solution that makes people go blind?

I heard that Renu is bad for you. Is this true? Dose anyone know why?

Best answer:

Answer by TheFinalMiracle
The Venom spitting Cobra would know better.

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Q&A: Why do the people on Extreme Makeover have to totally change themselves?

Question by Cate: Why do the people on Extreme Makeover have to totally change themselves?

Seriously, they can find fault with every single part of their body. Nose, stomach, jaw structure, legs. They talk about how much they love themselves anyway, but you can tell they don’t. They truly hate themselves. It’s pretty sad.

Best answer:

Answer by ? Mad Luv ?
very sad! amazing how other people can affect your life if you let it! and that’s the key!

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Why do people blame Obama for choosing to do the Notre Dame graduation Commencement?

Question by The Alpha and the Omega: Why do people blame Obama for choosing to do the Notre Dame graduation Commencement?

I wouldn’t blame him; it’s not his fault they invited him. Seriously. And the argument they put forth is ridiculous. One opposing opinion and he is not a suitable person?

This is not a church, its a university. There are thousands of other issues which are important and require discussion at this university.

I was born a Christian, but this is over-doing it. Some people need to listen to those who they don’t agree with, and open their eyes to the world for it is not imaginary.

Best answer:

Answer by LA LA
I agree with you, i thought people were able to have there own opinions, and there are more important things like education, those people need to have a sock put over there mouth with tape over it, they are the ones who should keep there opinions to themselves.


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How Blind People Use The ATM

Tommy Edison shows us what it’s like for him to use this ATM machine for the first time. Here’s a close up photo of the headphone jack: twitpic.com ————– 2nd Channel: www.youtube.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com Instagram: instagram.com Tumblr: blindfilmcritic.tumblr.com Website tommyedison.com ————– Producer Ben Churchill Production Crew Francis Sheehan David Russell Tad Lemire Kate Pigue Captioning provided by: Yahoo! Accessibility Blog accessibility.yahoo.com

Well, it’s been a whirlwind few weeks since the last Holy Hallucinations and a lot of water and about 5000 new subscribers have passed under the bridge. My heartfelt thanks again to everyone who gave me a shout-out recently, particularly JaguarJ0nes, Desertphile, chattiestspike2, PZ Meyers/Pharyngula, The AtheistExperience and dprjones. During all the furor, the user FranksVoice paid a couple of little visits to my channel to leave a comment. In the first he opined that this channel needs some serious prayer but, funnily enough, didn’t offer to provide any himself. Following this particularly good example of Christian compassion he returned and destroyed the whole of modern physical and biological science by decisively disproving with the quote “Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Game over!” Needless to say, having been confronted with an intellect of this magnitude, I felt compelled to surf over to his channel to see what I could see and found a mirror of the video I’m addressing here. The original, by user onceforgivennowfree can be found here: www.youtube.com Although the original is now 6 months old, and the argument tired and stale, I was so astounded by the disingenuousness with which it was presented that I really had to respond. Although I keep the other possibilities open in the video, having watched a few other offerings from this user I’m coming to the conclusion that he’s actually an intelligent individual who’s either refusing to

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Why do intelligent people still believe in religion? 5: The Strawman

This video shows that the strawman argument is a longstanding biblical tradition

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama in July 1943. He is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University’s department of humanities and sciences, with a focus on International Relations. In 1986, he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992, he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water. He undertook extensive research of water around the planet, not so much as a scientific researcher, but more from the perspective of an original thinker. At length, he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form, that water showed us its true nature. He has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery, that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness He is the author of the best-selling books Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, The True Power of Water and Love Thyself. He has now also authored two children’s books, The Secret of Water for the children of the world, and The Message from Water children’s version. He is a long-time advocate for peace in relation to water. He is currently the head of IHMGeneral Research Institute and President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Organization. By exposing water to a or piece of music

Q&A: Why people always thought that Interior Design is only for women and gay men?

Question by La Roux: Why people always thought that Interior Design is only for women and gay men?

i mean like, straight guys can also join that course because its universal!. And i was wondering, is there such a rules and laws stated that interior design is only for women and gay men? which is like: NO!

watcha reckon? i guess that straight guys/girls and others r being stereotype….

Best answer:

Answer by Firecube ? MJ
I’m a straight man, and I use towels and cardboard as substitutes for curtains. This is why I am not an interior designer.

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Does anyone laugh at people calling Obama a Communism?

Question by Reddas: Does anyone laugh at people calling Obama a Communism?

Are people really that stupid? Our government is design to bloke communism. The White house has no power whatsoever to do that its impossible. It will take the house of Representative,the white house and mostly congress. Even that its imposable.

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Where is the line drawn between evil caused by mental illness and evil committed by truly evil people?

fault or feature
by Catherinette Rings Steampunk

Question by Alicia Arol: Where is the line drawn between evil caused by mental illness and evil committed by truly evil people?

Why did this man murder his two five year old twin daughters?
I am sure that any of you who watched 20/20 on June 6, 2008 were as appalled as I was-saddened as I was by this senseless tragedy. But did all of you “get” the fact that this man was/is not evil? Hitler…Ted Bundy…These men (and too many others like them) were pure evil. This man who butchered his two twin daughters was remorseful, and he claims that his mental illness caused him to murder his children. This man did not claim his mental illness as a defense. He took full responsibility for his actions, and he was sentenced for first degree murder. But why did he butcher his children to begin with? While I was watching the program, I even asked myself why this man could not have just killed his own self, rather than brutally murdering his two innocent little girls? If mental illness can cause people to do such horrific things, then how is anybody safe? My mother developed Schizophrenia late in her life. She was 32 and I was 10. My mother had been becoming very deeply involved with God and Christianity when she just developed her illness “out of the blue”. She woke me up from a sound sleep and told me that God was going to kill her that night for being a bad person. After God did not “kill” my mother, I lived around my mother’s “madness” and dealt with it as best as a child can. My mother said and did weird things, but she never tried to harm me. In 1991 (after I graduated from college), I went to live with my mother and her mentally ill new husband. My mother had been fine for many years. She is one of the lucky ones. If my mother takes her medication, she is and acts perfectly normal. The problem was (when I was a child), my mother would constantly go off her medication. My mother’s new husband convinced her to do what she had not done in many years. He convinced her to stop taking her medication, but (because the medication was so built up in her system), nobody (not even I) knew that she had stopped taking her medication for a whole year that I lived with her and my stepfather. Eventually, I started noticing all the signs from when I was a child. One morning, I heard my mother talking crazy and threatening my stepfather. I wanted to creep down the stairs-grab my car keys-and get out of the house. But, my mother heard me, and she started chasing after me. I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom. I slammed my door and desperately pressed against it, while “something” outside kept pushing on the door and trying to get in. The thing outside that clawed on my door like an animal was not my sweet, loving mother. Years later, I asked my mother if she remembered what she had been thinking that morning when she had tried to harm me (for the first time ever during her illness)? She told me that the voices in her head that day had told her that I was an alien that needed to be “knocked out”. If my mother had managed to get into my room, and had tried to knock me out, she might have killed me or seriously damaged me, BUT IT WOULD HAVE NOT BEEN HER FAULT. (Can you imagine what horror she would have had to live with for the rest of her life-even though what happened would not have been her fault?) The man featured on the 20/20 special does not understand why he murdered his baby girls? What I don’t understand is this? He states that he turned his daughters over so that he would not have to look at their faces while he was stabbing them to death. If he was capable of thinking that way, then didn’t he have (somewhere inside of him) some type of “awareness” of the horror he was committing? Maybe those two little girls are in heaven (like their mother believes), but all I know is that their last moments on earth were filled with terror, and pain, and “knowing” that their own father was snuffing out their lives. My mother’s mental illness was not her fault. This man’s mental illness was not his fault. My mother did make the conscious choice to go off of her medication, and this man did choose to not tell anybody he was having obsessive thoughts about murdering his twin girls. But if my mother had accidentally killed me, and I had arrived on the other side (still conscious and not burning in hell), I would have still known that mental illness is not anybody’s fault. Evil people are not remorseful. The man who killed his twin girls has a picture of the two girls hanging in his jail cell, as a daily reminder to him of what he did. But, he will still never know WHY he did what he did, and neither do I?

****Maybe demonic entities are really walking the earth (as some Christians believe), and these entities get inside of “weak” people. If that is the case-then not one of us is safe.
Mental illness runs in my family. How do I know that I will not suddenly “go mad” and try to harm somebody I love? I know that you can’t give me any answers, because nobody has any answers or guarantees. I have been plagued by demons and chased by madness my whole life, but I never developed anything serious enough for me to be locked up in a mental institution like my mother was several different times since she developed her illness 30 years ago.

Best answer:

Answer by Linda!=)
there is no line!

bad = bad = bad.

people who harm people HARM people.

thizz what it is.

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Q&A: Why do people want to teach intelligent design in schools?

Question by Chris K: Why do people want to teach intelligent design in schools?

so, I just watched most of Ben Stein’s documentary: “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed”. Basically, the only clips of people who were for the theory of evolution were something like this:”intelligent design is stupid! Why would you ever believe something as stupid as that?” Ok, intelligent design is not a scientific theory. For one, it is not falsifiable. How could I possibly even try to prove you wrong? If you can show me an elephant fossil that dated to the Precambrian era, I might be a little bit more skeptical about the theory of evolution. Two, an intelligent designer is NOT the most parsimonious explanation for the origins of life on Earth. Yes, I know, cells are very complicated. However, I find it a much simpler explanation that life arose through something like the RNA world hypothesis that I do that the first cell was created by some kind of supreme being. I’m sorry, but I just gotta vent a little after seeing something like that. Don’t get it confused, intelligent design is not science, and it would be a real dis-service to kids to teach it in schools.

Best answer:

Answer by House iz bck in da hizzy!
Because kids can choose not to go to sunday school. What i am trying to say is ID supporters are trying to force it down our kids throats in school.

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