Q&A: Good morning. What should be done about all those defective products we receive from China?

consumer product recalls
by Public Citizen

Question by Still Beautifully Conservative: Good morning. What should be done about all those defective products we receive from China?

With the recent recalls from the Mattel Corporation of their toys and other things, should we boycott them?

Or demand Mattel (or any other company for that matter) to keep a closer eye on how their toys and products are produced in China?

Or demand that they start producing their products here in the US and we, the consumer, pay the higher price for them?

All thoughts on this matter are gratefully appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by stev
Sue Mattel.

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How can a good database design help you to minimize the errors in data management?

Question by bden: How can a good database design help you to minimize the errors in data management?

Best answer:

Answer by micealg
Through the use of Normalisation which gets rid of redundant data. Just keep in mind that there are at least 7 Basic levels of Normalisation but performing some of the levels can be impact lengthy operations such as searching.

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What Makes Good Web Design?

Christopher Merrill discussing what makes for good web design

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Ultimately isn’t consumers responsible (good or bad) for the products they buy? Why or why not?

Question by care4ub0y: Ultimately isn’t consumers responsible (good or bad) for the products they buy? Why or why not?

I read a lot about recalls and complaints about the products that are recalled. But even after all the recent recalls and publicity many consumers continue to buy, I guess because of the prices. But if you are going to buy cheaper, how can you complain when the quality is not as good as it was before so much manufacturing was outsourced and quality was much betterwith cheaper labor and way lower safeguards. What gets me… someone can complain but continues to buy the products. It seems to me if their pets or children die because of it, they are ultimately responsible. Many people won’t like to hear this (IT’S A BITTER PILL TO SWALLOW!!! – I guess because passing the blame takes the burden of guilt away) but it is the truth, otherwise their loved one(s) wouldn’t have access to the products anyway! Is cheaper better when it risks the lives and health of those that are precious (pets and children)? I’ve heard that recalled items are showing up in thrift stores and on ebay.com!

Best answer:

Answer by Nikki
Say I go out and buy a toy for my toddler. Am I supposed to have it tested for lead and all the other crap it would be made out of if it wasn’t regulated? IF we didn’t insist on regulation by the makers of these products, companies would take every dangerous and cheap shortcut they could to produce. That’s not the kind of world we want to live in. There should be regulation on the producers so they do not take these dangerous kind of shortcuts just to make money. The average person doesn’t have the ability to test everything they get to make sure it’s safe. Think about it.

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What are some good, fun, stupid things to do at a 3 girl sleepover?!? Help?!?

stupid design
by Manuel Ebert

Question by Andrea Gauthier: What are some good, fun, stupid things to do at a 3 girl sleepover?!? Help?!?

Me and my two friends are having a sleepover and we have nothing sorta planned to do :/ we all love fashion and designing things and making outfits 🙂 also stupid immature things that are awesomely fun 😛 lol Any ideas on some activities we should do?!? Thanks 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by TokioHotel4ever
…. 😉

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Is Computer Drafting and Design a good decision?

stupid design
by Emerging Design & Photography

Question by sean o: Is Computer Drafting and Design a good decision?

I am looking at ITT tech for going back to college. I just want to get my major and get out so i dont spend too much money and dont have to worry about the time consumption. Would this be a good major? I like drawing and science so would this be a good choice for me or no??
Please help! Any comments (even stupid ones) would be helpful. I wont give anyone a thumbs down.

Best answer:

Answer by Michael
I would say yes. I am not sure if its the kind of major you think it is though. From my experience, computer drafting and design are the people that use AutoCAD, makes industrial designs for computer controlled machines that cut metals, makes blue prints for construction projects, and other industrial type applications.

If you are thinking of drawing, then thats more architecture, artist, type of deal.

I don’t think its an easy thing to be good at, but I am pretty sure that if you do get a job, you get paid well as there are not too many people with those skills.

Actually I just did a search and found this that describes it more:

“A Computer Drafting technician works with designers and engineers to convert their ideas and concepts for new products and designs into accurate drawings that specify size, shape, materials and specifications. These drawings are then used by professionals in manufacturing, consulting, and construction to produce the desired product or structure. Designs are created using computer aided drafting (CAD) equipment. Solid modeling and parametric concepts are introduced and utilized early in the program and throughout the curriculum. “

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why am I cursed with being good at something as stupid as art?

stupid design
by Colin Purrington

Question by im bored……: why am I cursed with being good at something as stupid as art?

i was planning on going into graphic design cuz im good at it. i was thinking of being a psychologist anstead but i dont think theres jobs 4 that either since everyone wants to be one? wats a good job that i can be artistic in that isn’t completely useless?

Best answer:

Answer by strike123_out
There are many things that you can do. You can be a set designer for movies and stuff, or a fashion designer, interior designer, or even become an art teacher at a school or something. you can always be just a straight up artist too. It’s not like graphic design is the only good paying job in the field of art.

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Do ankle tattoos look good when on both the inside and outer ankle? Do a lot of people have them?

stupid design
by Moritz*

Question by alwayswearblack: Do ankle tattoos look good when on both the inside and outer ankle? Do a lot of people have them?

Also, is a sun/moon a stupid design for a tattoo or can it be a classic image (especially when done by a good artist)?

Best answer:

Answer by x…alii…x
only outer looks gd 2 me
sun n moon kl design

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What’s a good laptop screen-size for a graphic design student?

stupid design
by ampersans

Question by ß?????: What’s a good laptop screen-size for a graphic design student?

I’m going into graphic design, and I need a laptop… I’m trying to design the best screen-size. I’m looking into the Macbook Pro, which is obviously super expensive, but it’d be stupid to get the cheaper 13-inch if it’s too small for what I want to do with it.

Best answer:

Answer by Mercuri
13″ is probably way too small for graphic design. I also hear that the 13″ Macbook Pro’s screen resolution and quality is terrible, so you should get at least a 15″. If you can afford it, the 17″ would probably be the best route. Or considering getting a PC with a nice size screen (PCs are just as good for graphic design as Macs)

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America Still Appreciates A Good Dumb Blond Joke

While America might have had its chauvinistic nuts cut off by politically correct extremist who can’t take a joke when they see one, other countries are still, happily, appreciating a good ‘ol dumb blond joke courtesy of Mercedes Benz who think there’s nothing wrong with ordering a fast food meal from a librarian. Though America might have undergone an unfortunate castration, humor is alive and well under the radar and vigorously appreciated as illustrated by this ad having been sent to us by the very blond and very smart wife of Adrants reader Roy Coffman.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Did you survive the blizz… err, the moderate snowfall known as SNOWMAGEDDON? This week, Eskimo Witch has an exclusive sneak peek at the new design for the Walker Art Center’s cherry (of Spoonbridge and Cherry) sculpture, along with some rejected designs. PLUS: An excerpt from our forthcoming interview with WCCO’s Jason DeRusha about the not-so-Good Questions. Do you have a stupid question? Upload your stupid question video to MNstories.com and email us: [email protected] This episode of Eskimo Witch features new, cutting-edge invasive advertising techniques.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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