Do you know how to stop China from shipping inferior, defective and dangerously deadly products?

product recall
by Public Citizen

Question by itsmyopinionsothere: Do you know how to stop China from shipping inferior, defective and dangerously deadly products?

The simple answer is to stop buying from them. They do no think they are liable for any damages. When the Fed went looking for the melamine source the plants were empty. The tire importer is handling his recall without the aid of the Chinese Mfg. and now it’s lead paint. This will never end. I once in a joke said the easiest way to take over the USA was to plant tiny time bombs in all we import then set them all off at one time. In a way I guess my little joke is becoming a reality.

Best answer:

Answer by Steve C
Yep, and it seems to be getting worse. The head of the Chinese manufacturing plant committed suicide over the problem, and the former head of the Chinese FDA was executed over it. You have to give them credit for getting tough on violations.

What do you think? Answer below!


12 Responses to “Do you know how to stop China from shipping inferior, defective and dangerously deadly products?”
  1. Diamond says:

    I stopped buying anything made from china problem solved and if enough people did this who knows

  2. Harezichi says:

    u know… one big bomb would be much easier…. cmon man everyone knows as long as walmart is in existence we will always be buying inferior products int he name of saving a buck or 2

  3. Henry VIII says:

    Move American companies out of China. See what happens when people get greedy?

  4. ? JustAChick ? says:

    It would be great to believe we could stop it. At one time, cheap things were made in China: paper umbrellas, cheap plastic toys (in the 50s). If you had something “made in China) it was considered garbage. Now, we depend on them for all kinds of things .. sad, no?
    The whole pet food thing was from bad wheat/flour from China. Makes you wonder why the USA needed to get a product like that overseas anyway?

    EDIT: stopping the purchase of things “made in China” isn’t enough. For example, an ingredient in many cough medicines comes from China. However, the product will say “made in USA” …. they’re very sneaky like that.

  5. dougbiznatch says:

    we should kill all communist bastards except that Kim jong guy because he is willing to cooperate

  6. RockStar says:

    Tell that to the corporations, as they would do anything to save a few cense on an item!!!!

    Besides the Chinese already have us by the berries. They have invested a lot of money in US Gov. Bonds and such, if we mess with them they will cash them in and bring our already fragile economy crashing down. Things are not always as simple as they may seem.

  7. Johnny 2 Times says:

    These defective products are a very tiny portion of the products we have imported from China.

    Don’t forget the many “American made” products that have also been found to be defective.

    The market punishes companies that release tainted products into the market. There is no need for government penalties. Exp: have you tried locating a jar of Peter Pan peanut butter lately?

    Edit: LOL at some of the answerer’s above for ridiculing “corporate America” for trying to import products cheaply. Whose shopping habits do they think force companies to compete on price? Hypocrites.

  8. Renee says:

    China isn’t forcefully sending things over. Our corporate companies are paying them to.. Since China doesn’t have the resources — or the money — to make high quality products, they use what they have.
    Only way to stop it is to have rigorous testing on these imported products once they come to US. But I guess the corporate people are so low on money that they can’t afford a QC in the states.. Sigh …

  9. doctor know says:

    yes boycott Walmart 95% of what they sell comes from China,in fact boycott anyone who sells Chinese products,Walmart is the biggy they havea town in China where everyone there works for businesses that produce merchandise for Walmart and we have people flocking there like going to a sporting event.When they run all the local businesses out then they will lay off clerks,hire parttime so dont have to pay benifits,then raise prices they do price switching and anything to make a dollar.some places will not let walmart do business they just tell them to get out of their communities,we all shouild do that.

  10. smedrik says:

    How about monitoring the large companies who have outsourced their production to china. They should have some accountability in ensuring that the products they put on the market are safe and meet US federal restrictions.

  11. Ryan's mom says:

    It would be great if the toy manufacturers quit outsourcing to other countries and actually kept jobs in the US. Fisher Price and Mattel don’t care about the health and safety of our kids. All they car about is saving money. If all Americans would stand up to them and boycott them until they moved their operations back where it should be they might think twice about using inferior countries to make our products. Also, the CEOs of these companies do not need to be making Millions of $ a year. Some of them make over $3,000,000 a year. That is just obscene. Cut back on their wages to like maybe no more than $100,000 a year, and then maybe they would have the money to pay Americans to work for them again.

  12. DennistheMenace says:

    I dont….but then again thats a Government issue………..

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