Q&A: Can anyone tell me products that have defects?

consumer product recalls
by Public Citizen

Question by bundled: Can anyone tell me products that have defects?

Except for foods. Tell me why those products failed.

Best answer:

Answer by simplybriannax3
go to that link it is U.S Consumer Product Saftey Commission
its got recent recalls, CPSC’s most wanted, recalled toys and several things. just browse the site.
=) good luck.

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One Response to “Q&A: Can anyone tell me products that have defects?”
  1. Paul N says:

    Many products have built in obsolescence so they will be serviceable for a length of time and then begin to break down frequently. Those are intentional defects in quality and reliability. Many manufacturing interest believe that this is a wise way to keep the need of replacement alive. They do not want to manufacture anything that will last indefinitely. Ask the United States Automobile Industry about the wisdom of this thinking. So, automobiles are one product that have defects. We have not built the best automobile that we know how to build in many, many years. That left the door open for other auto manufactures around the world.

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