How do I come up with the idea for a project?

Question by I’m bored of being bored: How do I come up with the idea for a project?

I was considering making and designing my own snowboard for Construction class in school. One part (probably the most important) is designing the graphic on the board. For me I find that drawing, painting or whatever is the easy part. The part that takes me months is to come up with the idea. How should I do it?

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One Response to “How do I come up with the idea for a project?”
  1. Dr. Jan says:

    Hey, find a friend that you enjoy and brain storm.
    Here’s Wikapedias explanation:

    When you do that, try to be open to any ideas that come up no matter how stupid some might seem to be. No idea is wrong or bad and the ideas will keep flowing. One thing will lead to the other until you got it!
    I was a graphic artist and we used to do that. It always worked, hope it works for you too!

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