A good setting/location for a scene that would involve some sort of action?

Question by trs_shortie9: A good setting/location for a scene that would involve some sort of action?

For a drama class, we have to come up with a setting and then a set design for a scene. This scene will be a 10 minute improvisation of 2 characters talking. Wanted to have it set in a coffee shop but was told that something like that wouldn’t work because he doesn’t want to see the characters simply sitting for 10 minutes. Any ideas? I would really appreciate them.

Best answer:

Answer by Theatre Doc
God, how I hate stupid drama class assignments. A 10 minute improv? that’s longer than they do on Who’s Line Is It?
Do a robbery of the coffee shop, that’ll be full of “action” Sounds like another pin headed teacher who does not explain the assigments thoroughly enough, unless, of course, you did not pay attention.

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