Q&A: Is there a news black out for the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, HR 4040?

Question by Arcanum Noctis: Is there a news black out for the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, HR 4040?

The gist of HR 4040 is to protect America’s children by putting tracking chips into their toys to make recalling effective. The chips have the batch number etc..

In the passing of HR 4040, there were over 400 ayes with only about 20 nays or no votes.

Why did both main parties overwhelming support security over privacy?

Are parents being exploited through their children for acceptance of RFID chips?

Within a couple generations, will this result in a chip-like society through the conditioning of the children thinking RFID chips in everything is the norm?

How do you personally feel about HR 4040?

How do you think they are going to be able to do that? Either with a new second bar code on products or an electronic bar code aka RFID chip.

Considering manufacturers have been focusing on RFID chips, and not developing a new second bar code, they are going to use RFID chips for recall purposes because its “feasible”.

What people fail to understand is that the “tracking label” isn’t specific, which manufacturers will use what is “feasible”.

Best answer:

Answer by surtifide geneyus
One tiny piece of the enormous control grid.

Each pixel, viewed by itself, means nothing. Stepping back, to gain a wider perspective, we can see a picture emerging.

Most people just concentrate on one or two pixels and deny that there is a larger picture.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


2 Responses to “Q&A: Is there a news black out for the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, HR 4040?”
  1. Hi, Vote Nader! says:

    It sounds like the powers that be are expecting trouble

  2. captainobvious_lj says:


    Section 14(a) (15 U.S.C. 2063(a)) is further amended by adding at the end the following:

    `(4) Effective 1 year after the date of enactment of the Consumer Product Safety Modernization Act, the manufacturer of a children’s product shall, to the extent feasible, place distinguishing marks on the product and its packaging that will enable the manufacturer and the ultimate purchaser to ascertain the location and date of production of the product, and any other information determined by the manufacturer to facilitate ascertaining the specific source of the product by reference to those marks.’.

    Its not a chip its a mark that says when and who produced the product. kind of like a born on date.

    but your right I wonder why the dont want to publish the fact that a bipartisan attempt to make toys safer for our children was signed in to law by President Bush

    could it be that it is because one of the talking points of the left was that Bush doesnt keep our kids safe. Nay couldnt be that simple could it.


    Its a marking. all it has to be is a date and the name of the company. and it makes absolute sense. if you have a product that was made by a company but was only dangerous when made during a certain date when the info is released you can go to your toys and see if the ones that fit the description were made by the company and at the same time of the bad product. Also if they are in storage a company can go back and see if their inventory has anymore that was created during a certain time period. I think your making more out of this than it is. sounds like they could do it with a permanent marker if they wanted to but being that most is plasic they will probably just engrave it onto the product.

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