Q&A: When will the US learn that Chinese manufacturers don’t care?

consumer product recalls
by Public Citizen

Question by lb06029: When will the US learn that Chinese manufacturers don’t care?

When will the US learn that Chinese manufactorers don’t care about us? This Courious George recall is just another example of what they think of the US consumer. Use cheap materials, who cares? As long as the toy is cheap, their happy… As for Mattell, the only way they will learn is to bring charges against those in charge of product safety & standards for endangering lives. I bet it would only need to happen once…

Best answer:

Answer by albutropin
arent most of the toy manufacturers owned by american companies

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2 Responses to “Q&A: When will the US learn that Chinese manufacturers don’t care?”
  1. Gem says:

    We will not learn until it is too late.

    Do you realize that a large percentage of the food you put in your mouth, and feed to your children, is processed in China? No? We can’t tell because unlike nuts and bolts, there is no requirement of food mfgs/distributors to tell us where our food comes from.

    China doesn’t even care about their own children (child labor, environment, health care, living conditions education), why would we think they give a hoot about ours?

    They are a communist country that up until they figured out how to get our money, were publically stating they wanted to ruin us. Now we have sent our jobs & money there and mark my words, they will eventually try to take us over. With the weapons manufactured and purchased with our own money.

    But many in Europe & America will continue texting each other about Britney and sticking their heads in the sand about the real problems we face.

    Good luck to us all.

  2. Sweet as 3.141 says:

    I am not knowledgeable in international trade. I am simply a consumer who has honestly tried to purchase items for myself and home that where not made in China. This was next to impossible without breaking my pocket book. It’s sad.

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