Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git

Linus Torvalds visits Google to share his thoughts on git, the source control management system he created two years ago.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


25 Responses to “Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git”
  1. logidet says:

    @akhileshzmishra you’re doing it wrong.

  2. Arteymis says:

    I don‘t use git and it‘s the best software ever

  3. akhileshzmishra says:

    I use git and it is the worst software ever

  4. OniLinkPlus says:

    Linus Torvalds is a jackass. He’s my idol.

  5. HarcourtMarketing says:

    Just curious….
    Could Linus and Bill combine through cloning cells produce super tech human.
    sorry. edit…. I did not mention Steve on purpose.

  6. HarcourtMarketing says:

    Just curious….
    Could Linus and Bill combine through cloning cells produce super tech human.

  7. phenow21 says:

    This is probably the 3rd or 4th time I’ve watched this for the heck of it and it only gets better. He’s on my top 5 list of favorite people. “Most people are morons.”

  8. thegorn says:

    @pixelr0 Linus > Jesus

  9. thegorn says:

    Linus loves good hash

  10. lzcjrh says:

    It is hard in svn merge multiply experimental changes. And also mindblowing to resolve tree conflicts. And I don’t say about git rebase and git stash… Git is far superior

  11. aidenscool09 says:

    @stepaheadsoftware I’ll expand: The problems yousaid were fine for you now, were more common/frequent back in 2007, when the video was created.

  12. aidenscool09 says:

    @golfman484 This video was made in 2007 dumbass.

  13. TheBlitMaster says:

    @brainlife Linux has 91% of the top 500 Super-Computers and all of the top 10, 85% of the Server Market, and 38.5% of the mobile market which beats even Nokia’s mighty Symbian market share by 7%. Having only 1% of the desktop market doesn’t affect them at all when they are top in everything else especially the web which is where the real money is.

  14. YouChristopherS says:

    “[Stares into the distance] A windows machine just flaked out again”(~36:49)

  15. YouChristopherS says:

    “[Stares into the distance] A windows machine just flaked out again”(~36:49)

  16. YouChristopherS says:

    “[Stares into the distance] A windows machine just flaked out again”(~36:49)

  17. YouChristopherS says:

    “[Stares into the distance] A windows machine just flaked out again”(~36:49)

  18. YouChristopherS says:

    “[Stares into the distance] A windows machine just flaked out again”(~36:49)

  19. YouChristopherS says:

    “[Stares into the distance] A windows machine just flaked out again”(~36:49)

  20. YouChristopherS says:

    “[Stares into the distance] A windows machine just flaked out again”(~36:49)

  21. golfman484 says:

    Branches are not expensive in Subversion – they are extremely cheap – and you’re not screwing with everyone else.

  22. golfman484 says:

    I get the feeling that the main thrust of this talk is to instill some kind of ‘intelligence deficit concept’ in people who don’t agree with him. Given the growth of git it seems his tactic worked on a lot of people 🙂

  23. golfman484 says:

    Q. Has anyone experienced the ‘*MAJOR* performance issues he talks about with centralized tools like subversion?
    A. I haven’t – been working fine for years!
    Q. Is anyone more than a few minutes away from an internet connection these days?
    A. I’m virtually always connected. Just can’t understand the whole ‘off line’ argument.

  24. alexander256 says:

    @Tekarien The Humor-excuse has the problem that it can be used to excuse any behavior.

  25. pixelr0 says:

    i’m not religious but Linus is like Jesus!

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