Silver Bridge Collapse Point Pleasant, WV 1967

My Grandfather was a pilot. This happened on Friday Dec 15, my Grandfather and his friend that had a plane decided to fly down there on Sunday the 17th to ch…

Video Rating: 4 / 5


18 Responses to “Silver Bridge Collapse Point Pleasant, WV 1967”
  1. jr H says:

    Ok who’s the prankster who put the voices and ringing on here…..good

    Jk got yaaa?

  2. pinkamena lover says:

    They say that the mothman was trying to scare them away to save their lives?

  3. Puru Sinha says:

    This Video Is simply Time Waste
    No bridge falling
    No Mothman

  4. Charles charlessabuero says:

    Good thing, you stored that video for a long time good job mate!?

  5. Mona Rodriguez says:

    niether Mothman….

  6. itzamia says:

    that’s amazing!

  7. MrBrandonse2 says:

    No sound?

  8. Shark06Killer says:

    i live in wv

  9. Drew Joseph says:

    This must be from the perspective of the mothman

  10. mustangfan1995 says:

    8mm films had no sound

  11. Scott Wellman says:

    I lived two blocks from the bridge. I heard and saw it fall (at least the
    top 100 ft of super structure). I was 7 at the time.

  12. TheMothmanMuseum says:

    We have some foot here at The Mothman Musuem. Not as clear as your footage

  13. John S. McCormick says:

    I was 6 when this happened. We used to cross this bridge all the time from
    Ohio to WV to visit family.

  14. Liduvina Elizalde says:


  15. TheTanaka123 says:

    Minute 1:52-1:55 looks like a demon face on the ground on a field looks
    kind of wicked

  16. MickeyMorandini1 says:


  17. Mona Rodriguez says:

    I didn’t see the collapse….

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