What role does the government have in protecting people from themselves in regards to consumer products.?

consumer product recalls
by Public Citizen

Question by Twixey: What role does the government have in protecting people from themselves in regards to consumer products.?

Best answer:

Answer by John
they can deem toys(for example) dangerous and take them off the shelves

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One Response to “What role does the government have in protecting people from themselves in regards to consumer products.?”
  1. Stephen D says:

    Recalls, recalls, recalls. All mostly government related -seldom recalled on their own. In transportation, having to wear seat belts in the car and wear helmets on bicycles as well as mandatory child seats would apply. Even speed limits are for our own protection to protect us from ourselves in a car. In homes, all water heaters in California must have belts attaching themselves to the walls in case of earthquakes. Paint must not have lead in them. Lots or recalled insulation products over the years. In real estate, all homes being sold must have inspections before being bought. Of course there are toys and baby products being recalled all the time. The governments role in food is huge as they test and apply recalls for salmonella all the time in meat, poultry, eggs, and greens. If any food gets a lot of complaints for a funny smell or color it is the government that steps in as well. Prescriptions are always being recalled for different reasons. It is the governments present job to protect people from China and third world factories that produce products with little supervision or care towards standard policies such as poisoned /laced dog food, baby food, toys, and candy. The list goes on and on.

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